“You are color, You are Light, you’re the stars that light the night sky…”
-From first Verse of “You Are”
I am pleased to announce that I have just released the official Lyric Video for our song “You Are” to YouTube on Sunday, September 3rd at 7pm! This is super special for several reasons: #1, this is really my first professional looking video! I have lots of live videos… but this one was produced by LyricVids.com and I think they did a splendid job! I wanted it to show the glories of nature and God’s creation in a way that morphed real life into art. Can you see it? Look closely! Please watch the whole song on YouTube and leave me a comment and subscribe! Link to full video. Here is the teaser video:
I want to learn to do this kind of stuff myself, but was so pleased with their work! (Sorry for all the picky changes!)
#2- This video marks the evolution of my faith and reminds me where I’ve been and who I am in Christ. I pray it will do that for you, too!
The Story
I wrote the song “You Are” back in 2002… in a moment of inspiration spurring from a quiet time with God, but there was so much more to the story. In 2002, Ralph and I had been already married for seven years; for six of those years we had been trying to get pregnant with no positive results. Summer of 2002 we went through INVITRO fertilization with all the shots and ultra-sounds, implanting four eggs- only to be heart broken again. (It didn’t finally work till summer of 2003 which produced Hannah and Caleb in April on 2004!)
In 2001 I had surgery for the removal of vocal nodules off my vocal cords. That was scary and traumatic for me, a professional singer. I did heal and eventually could sing better than ever! That is a long story told in my book Vocal Training for Praise Singers! If you want to sing your best for the Lord please check it out. Book Link

Finding Gratitude in Struggle
So between the trauma of nodes surgery and then the overwhelming heartbreak of infertility I could have gotten bitter or at least pessimistic- BUT GOD moved my heart. I looked deeply at Psalm 139:13-18 about about how fearfully and wonderfully I was made inside my mother’s womb and I had hope. I rejoiced his natural creation, especially my happy place: the White Mountains in Maine and New Hampshire! “You’re the view a top a mountain- stretching out magnificently!”

(Trivia question– which mountain is this? Hint: I did the album photo shoot for my Grace With Jazz On Top Album here!)
As I wrote this song I remembered marvelous sunsets “You Are color, you are light…” and blustery snow squalls up on Dandelion Hill as a kid! “You’re that magic winter snowfall…”

Did I tell you about the time I was held up at knife point in Stony Brook T Station in Jamaica Plain? Another longer story- the short one is that I wasn’t hurt and the kid didn’t even take my guitar or the coins in my case! I wasn’t a Christian yet, but I sure know God had some mighty angels protecting me then! (And a 100 other times during car accidents and travels by myself in Europe and and and…) “You send angels to my aide…”
More Trivia: Which other song on the Let My Light Shine Album talks about angels protecting us? (Hint– if you go to the Julie Kinscheck Album tracks playlist on my artist YouTube channel you can scroll through the songs…)
And I remembered how Jesus had saved me… and despite all my struggles, He is always there for me: “You Are mercy, sweet forgiveness, you’re the only source of true Grace… You never give me more than I can face!” This song is my heart!
So what about the SCAT solo in a worship song? Some people find this out of place… is it drawing too much attention to my vocal skill instead the Lord? What do you think? Sometimes I joke that SCAT singing is like singing in tongues… as I improvise no-one else understand what I am praying, but God knows my heart as I pour it out in music like an instrumentalist. Sometimes I have minimized that solo when singing in a church service; our substituted some “Oh Jesus” etc in there… But honestly, the improv there is just an extension of my joy in the Spirit! “Do not quench the Spirit’s fire!” – 1Thessalonians 5:19
So here’s the full lyrics for “You Are” c. 2002 but released on our Let My Light Shine Album c. 2013. Still available in hard copy or download!
You Are
Words and music by Julie Kinscheck c. 2002
(A1) You are color you are light You’re the stars that fill the night sky You are music you are love
You’re the beauty almost passed by
(B1) You’re the magic winter snow fall You’re a balmy summer breeze
You’re the view atop a mountain Stretching out- magnificently!
(C1)You’re in every direction
You are high and you are low
You’re that voice deep down inside me And in everything I know
(A2) You are rapture, you are teardrops Joyous laughter in an old man
You are children, cuddly kittens
You’re the power that runs my minivan
(B2) You’re the hope that keeps me going Solid Earth beneath my feet
You’re the truth that gives me confidence With promises so sweet
(C2) protecting me from danger You send angels to my aide
You have seen my unformed body So wonderfully made
(A3) You are mercy, sweet forgiveness You’re the only source of true grace You are wisdom, you are challenge
You never give me more than I can face
(B3) You’re that gentle quiet answer I must listen to obtain
You’re generous beyond wonder When I ask it in you name
(C1)You’re in every direction
You are high and you are low
You’re that voice deep down inside me And in everything I know
TAG: You’re that voice deep down inside me And in everything I know