
The Heart of a Child

Two children sitting on a couch holding up their presents.

Hannah & Caleb Kinscheck on 9th birthday

When local Christian artists Ralph and Julie Kinscheck put on a fund raising concert with their band LIFLIGHT for HOPE worldwide on May 18th, they had no idea their biggest contributors would be their 9 year old twins!

A man and woman sitting next to each other.

It was after a successful concert event at The Stable Coffeehouse in Chelmsford; everything was cleaned up and the equipment was unloaded, the high heels kicked off. Julie was putting the concert donations into her Walk For HOPE envelope to turn in the next morning when her son Caleb approached her with a fistful of money.

“Mom,” He said, “I am just a kid. I don’t need money. I have everything I need, I want to give my birthday money to kids who really need it.”

Wow! What a heart! “For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”-Mark 10:14

A little girl with a backpack on walking through the woods.

Not to be outdone, his sister Hannah came running in with another pile of bills from her birthday stash!

We never know what will move our kids, but they are influenced by those around them- It definitely takes a Kingdom!

The twins had apparently been inspired by two things recently.

First, Harold Cadet

A family posing for the camera in front of a window.
Harold and Geralta Cadet with their kids Kylie and Jaylen

had spearheaded a family group effort to reach a group goal to raise money for HOPE. As part of that effort, Lori Gath had encouraged the children to make a HOPE jar and put in spare change. The children had been very moved by how they could help- but spare change was not enough!

Then second, in between songs at her parents’ show, there had been sharing by Gail Scott Key

A woman is speaking at an event with her hands raised.
Gail Scott Key Host for HOPE worldwide fundraiser

and Anselm Beach

A man and woman talking to each other.
Anselm Beach, shared about HOPE programs in India

about how HOPE worldwide was helping families in Haitti and India- even helping children to be adopted from around the world.

A group of people singing on stage at night.

Julie Kinscheck & LIFLIGHT live at The Stable

(Left to right: Jerry Maday, John Vicaire, Paul Meninno, Julie Kinscheck, Diana Wick, Theresa Schmitz, Anselm Beach, Gabriel Paradise, Jim Cafarella & William Cox)



And the children were invited to sing on a song dedicated to HOPE written by Ralph and Julie: “HOPE Faith LOVE”.

See them live at this Youtube link: http://youtu.be/DkTJItn2JCc


Ironically, during a conversation with a parent of one of the twins’ friends at her son’s birthday party a week earlier, Julie had remarked, “I almost feel bad that my kids will get so much more stuff today… maybe we should have asked everyone to pitch into a fund.” The other mother had suggested, “For a charity?” Julie had answered- “I’m not sure the kids would go for that- maybe to get new bikes, after all – it is their birthday.

And surprisingly, both twins received over $100 each in cash gifts from friends that weekend. Mom joked, “Awesome! More money toward new bikes!” Little did she know that the twins had much bigger hearts than she realized!

Unprompted by anyone, Caleb and Hannah Kinscheck proudly donated over $200 from their birthday money. “I only kept $3 for myself!” Caleb bragged.

Are you sure you want to give so much? You don’t have to, you know. Any amount is appreciated,” offered the parents.

No. I want to do this.” Caleb returned resolutely.


What if we all had such a heart before God? “I don’t need anything, you take such good care of me, Lord.” Is there any wonder why Jesus tells us to be like little children?

The concert raised over $500 for HOPE worldwide and their family group from church (Northern Region, Boston Church of Christ) blew out their goal of $4,600 with over $5,200 at last count!

When Julie shared this story with friend Michelle Perry during the Walk for HOPE Michelle promised: “I’m going to pray someone gives the twins some awesome bikes!”

The prayer for new bikes was supposed to be the end of this post until last night when Claudia Banks gave the twins two new (used) bikes that her kids had outgrown! That was a swift answer to prayer! Praise the LORD!