
My book, Vocal Training for Praise Singers is actually being typeset and scheduled for release (finally) by November some time! Please email (MyVoiceTeacherJulie@gmail.com)me if you would like to be contacted for a discounted pre-release copy!!!

Before anymore of my news- a moment of remembrance for all those lost on 9-11. Please enjoy the song…

“In the face of tragedy we build unity- An American Memory”– From “American Memory” by Julie Kinscheck, Grace With Jazz On Top CD released 2008

Hello Friends and Fans!

I know it has been too long- AGAIN! Man, I am so busy! But I have some great news! In fact, a bunch of it! – to the right is a picture collage of me at Berklee College of Music on my first day as: PROFESSOR JULIE! Can you believe it?! I am teaching at my alma mater!

And look who was teaching in the room before me! My spiritual dad and great friend and wicked amazing guitar player, Jim Peterson! What a grand surprise! What a fantastic Welcome!

Phil Lima, the Vice Chair of the Voice Department has also been so encouraging, welcoming me into the staff! It is nothing short of surreal being there as a professor after being a student there so many years ago!


Meanwhile, music keeps happening at Kinscheck Productions! Ralphykeys and I just wrote a new song called “Rolling Thunder (Fighting Through the Storms)” that Ralph played at the Transmute festival this week- look at some of these fun pictures!


And once again: My book, Vocal Training for Praise Singers is actually being typeset and scheduled for release (finally) by November some time! Please email me (MyVoiceTeacherJulie@gmail.com) if you would like to be contacted for a discounted pre-release copy!!!


Many blessings to all of you! Stay healthy and trust in Him.

Much love,


PS- I am still playing gigs around the edges- If you have an event for me to play, please be in touch! Just reply here or at my Facebook or instagram… just search Julie Kinscheck!

James 4:14
“Surely you have granted [her] unending blessings and made [her] glad with the joy of your presence.” – Psalm 21:6


New York the Day Before

Download the album version of “American Memory” at my Webstore