
So I have had this Cough! And I am so sick of it! It’s been going on for 3 weeks already; I had an anti-biotic, a steroid pack, a chest ex-ray and still: cough cough cough! As a singer and a voice teacher, this is awful! At least I can sing again… but I am not full strength, and then: cough cough cough! I feel trapped! I can’t escape! Cough cough cough! And yikes- that sounded like I coughed up a lung! YUCK!

So before you join me in my pity party, maybe you can relate to me? Have you ever been sick and seemed not to get well?

I remember in the summer between my junior and senior years in high school, I went hiking with my Mom and best friend. Now if you know me, you know I LOVE the mountains! We were hiking up Mount Adams in the Presidential range in the White Mountains in NH.  As we ascended the rocky path, I noticed that I felt really out of shape.  I was feeling light headed and getting out of breath much faster than expected.  But I was an ox and a very hard worker and so the worse I felt the harder I pushed.

To add to my misery, it started to get cold and rainy.  We made it to the huts for the night but I didn’t sleep well. By morning I was very sick. And what’s worse the storm had picked up and there was nothing to do but hike down in cold rain, occasionally taking shelter form lightning.

When we reached the bottom I don’t remember much of the trip to the hospital or the long ride back to Ithaca, NY. I was pretty delirious. It turns out I had contracted Mono. All I really remember from that whole next month was lying on the couch and listening to my Angela Bofill album. “She is an angel, an angel of the ni——–ght!”
But I had an angel then and I certainly still do now! “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” Psalm 91:11  I wrote about those angels in my song “Love Life Like I Should”- in the last verse it says: “Did you know that there’s some big angels right behind us as we’re walking thru our day?”
I did get better then and I will get better now… God willing of course.  But when I was a teenager I had to learn to surrender. I didn’t know I was surrendering to God then; I had to surrender things that mattered to me at the time, though- the biggest thing was I had to give up going to band camp and playing in the marching band the next year; I played alto Saxophone. Now, as an adult, I had to cancel three shows as a singer and a bunch of students.

One of the events I had to cancel was a Gospel Music Night scheduled to bring together a bunch of wonderful musicians and friends for a Christian concert in my back yard! I couldn’t see why God would want to let such a wonderful event to be cancelled.

My friend Wyndham is sick; he is now in a wheel chair. The doctors can not figure out the cause of his degeneration… I am sure “Why” comes up a lot in his prayers. My husband has not been able to advance in his job after 17 years working in the same place… he can get discouraged.

But God really does know what is best even when we can’t see it!  “If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you-you of little faith?”- Matt 6:30

But does this mean we stop our anti-biotic or Stop trying to get a better job or stop looking for a cure? Certainly not! The battle with Satan is real. Our hearts are vulnerable to so many things, so many demons! How happy would the enemy be if we melted into self pity or worse, bitterness toward God himself. No! “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

So “We take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ” 2 cor 10:12 – And surrender to God’s timing while we continue to fight our spiritual, emotional and physical battles!

And I believe that this cough will go away!!!!!