
Concert of HOPE Review

A man and woman posing for the camera.

Concert for HOPE 2012 Ralph and Julie

Saturday, September 16 in Framingham, I was honored to play with my new band at the Concert Of HOPE benefiting programs for HOPE worldwide.


We played 2 songs to a full house (300?) and wild applause and “woops”! What fun! We started with “Let My Light Shine” and ended with “Hope Faith Love” both from the new CD. They were the best we have played them live yet.

In the Rhythm section were Kenny Hester on bass, Brian Schwartzentruber on drums, Ralph and Keys and me on guitar… our fantastic lead guitarist Johnny Vicaire couldn’t make it that weekend. We even had the famous Joe Galeota on percussion on the first tune!

A group of people posing for a picture.

Christine, Brian, Jessica, Julie, Jim, Ralph, Kenny Diana
A woman with long blonde hair holding a guitar.

Julie Live at Concert for HOPE 2012-cracking up!

Singers for the evening included regulars: Diana Wick and Jessica Lewis; favorite (whenever I can get him) Jim Cafarella and new addition Christine Arsenault.

We have been calling the band “KGV”- but really, since the “G” stands for Gibbons- and they are never with us live and the “V” is for Vicaire- who also wasn’t there- it made no sense… I guess we need a different band name… but what should it be- maybe a contest is in order!

A woman holding a guitar and singing into a microphone.

Julie Live at Concert for HOPE 2012

Other wonderful performers that evening included Dan Key on Classical guitar with Freddy on hand drums; Joe Galeota leading a large and wonderful praise band with many different lead singers; Abi White doing her poppy singer-guitarist thing (She is so commercial- keep your ears open for her to do big things!), blind blues guitarist: Luis and a really insightful spoken word piece by two single women about being married to Jesus. Sorry I didn’t get the names of everyone singing and playing- I never got a full program.

One person I did know was Anita Costello, as I understand she was subbing for Darlene Burgess who was in the hospital at the last minute that morning. Prayerfully, Darlene is OK- But it was a great delight to find out that Anita, here to for known to me as a dress designer and wife to bass-man Chris Costello, can sing quite well! Way Cool!

Back to us- I was very pleased with our sound that night (aside from my mic dipping in and out here and there ) – I felt we were really connecting with the crowd; LOVE when that happens! And I even sold a few Pre-orders of the new CD. And as promised- I gave a portion of the proceeds to the cause.

HOPE worldwide , in case you didn’t know, is my favorite charity. I am always in awe of the amazing work they do all over the world rescuing people who are in disasters, caring for the sick, and meeting needs of the young, isolated, hurting. WOW!

And this show was only part of a very busy weekend- read my review of the Yankee Doodle festival of a separate blog!