
Saturday. May 12 I had a fun gig! I was the entertainment for a women’s event entitled “Mirror, Mirror”. I sang a mix of some favorite originals from the Grace With Jazz On Top CD “Grace” and the new CD “Love Life Like I Should,” “Let My Light Shine” and the newest “You Are,” and a couple covers I love: “God Blessed the Broken Road” and “You’ve Got a Friend.” This was all during a delicious brunch.

Melanie Singh and Kristen Lamb sang “Unpretty” blending their lush voices beautifully.

Then at last I got to let loose! Since there was little room on the stage since they had moved up a podium for the main speaker- I needed some room. This was my chance to take off into the audience and work the crowd while singing the theme song from “Mirror Mirror”: “I Believe in Love.” That was fun- and left me out of breath and ready to sit down and listen to the speaking.

Much like the fairy- tale- and the recent movie (Which I thoroughly enjoyed!)- we as women often consult our mirrors, hoping to find a fair face looking back at us. We can be so concerned about our looks, beauty, appearanance- and not without good reason. Sure some of us are vain like the evil queen; but most of us realize that how we look will affect how we are treated. This world is very biased toward a pretty face (and body).

At this event speaker Ruby Mitchell shared from the Bible the story of Esther and how her beauty had to come from within- from her faith and how she lived it- how that in the end is the most valuable. And how we are loved so completely- no matter what our mirror says, by our Father in heaven.

There were also several women sharing from their own lives about challenges they had overcome. It was a moving, entertaining and meaning morning!