
FULL Speed Ahead! Warp drive Mr. Sulu! Going into hyper space, Colonel! Up up and away Superman!

There is never a dull moment in the Kinscheck home and certianly not for me! God has blessed us beyond imagining and I get to share it with you faithful friends and fans… COVID may have slowed us all down a good bit but no more! And the work done during the lock down is paying off!

As life continues, we all evolve in various ways… It seems many people have explored new directions as a result of the significant changes brought on by COVID-19 and the lock down. Maybe your job was dissolved, business failed, career became totally online. Maybe you re-examined your priorities and decided to re-organize your life; maybe that led you to study something new or finally quit that job that has been strangling your creativity or self-image. I, too, have ventured into some new territories!

A new job, and new ministry but the same mission- to use my music to help others know God. I am now an Assistant Professor of Voice at Berklee College of Music! I get to teach and mentor some super talented career vocalists. It is drawing on all my experience as an artist performer and teacher… I am so humbled and overjoyed to take on this resposibility!

Right along side this new honor, my new book will start to presale in November! Vocal Training for Praise Singers. See www.VocalTrainingForPraiseSingers.com

Now everything isn’t perfect in paradise… I have had to make some super hard decisions; I have not been able to accommodate as many private students at my home studio as before. I have even had to turn away students willing to pay me… If any of you are reading this, I am truly sorry and it breaks my heart to have to send you off. I have valued what I have learned from you just as I pray you will be blessed by what you have learned from me.

A blue square with the facebook logo on it.

The Harmony Jewels

I have even had to turn down some gig opportunities- but never fear, I am still doing shows, private parties, concerts, festivals, weddings, funerals, nursing homes- and The Harmony Jewels will still be singing carols this Christmas!!!!