“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of me…. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:12-14
I have great hopes for 2012!
I pray to record basics for my next CD! I have LOTS of new material and Ralph and I are planning to write some more together!
We hope to travel to San Antonio Texas in July to worship and play music with and for over 15,000 disciples from around the world!
Our recording studio and rehearsal studio are basically finished; major construction on our home is almost done and my teaching business is booming!
I am starting the pre- production for a Europe tour for summer 2013!
My children are healthy and beautiful and loving life- and playing music: Hannah sings and plays some keys and Caleb sings and plays the drums!

My husband works in music at Berklee college of music, freelances teaching Apple classes (for video editing and recording etc on the Mac) and consulting- and looks forward to recording people in our new studio!

Ralph with Kurt Beiderwolf presenting an award in the Electronic Music and Design department at Berklee College of Music in Boston
Ralph and I are honored and loving playing with the Church praise band!

Ralph, Julie, Dana, John, Bryan and Josh-playing for worship for 1500 Christians at the lawrence Field House
God Is So Good!
Our theme for our church this new year is : EPIC: Everyday People Imitating Christ!
I’ve just written a song about it that I hope to perform and put up on Youtube soon, too!
And like most of the world- I want to lose some weight!
And through it all- I desire to grow closer to my Lord and be used by him in even greater ways!
I refer to the prayer of Jabez “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!”
Here is a quick recap of 2011:
2011 was a year of Great Worship! Ralph and I played with the local Northern Region Praise band all year at many large and meaningful events and services! Some of those events included: The BCC Olympics, a powerful Easter service and a glorious Christmas presentation for which I also directed and led children singing. Even my little Caleb was the Little Drummer Boy! I was also able to lead women singing several of my newest songs at a marvelous brunch event for 300 women at the Shriner’s auditorium in Wilmington.
In addition I felt it was a great time of spiritual growth for me and learning more about parenting keeping God in the center! I have much more to learn for sure- but I am grateful for the journey. I am also thrilled to be actively leading Bible studies again! It strengthens and renews my heart and faith!
I also was honored to Sing and play for many events at the NewEngland/ World Leadership conference at the Hines convention center in October which brought in disciples form around the world. I wrote a whole blog about how God worked in me that weekend!

2011 was a great year of serving with my gifts! We had our second annual Night of Hope Billerica at the Bennett Library in September and raised funds for Hope Worldwide medical missions to Honduras and Guatemale as well as a needy family in Billerica! The talent- Including RIA, Kasia and others, the food, the MC, Gail Scot Key- everything about the event was top shelf!
I was also pleased to be a guest artist at a fundraiser for Liberty Hill Farms in VT- helping to provide food for 1500 dairy cow that had lost their crops during the floods of Katrina.
Ralph and I also played jazz as Moon Glow
for the annual Cat Care Coalition Fund raiser to help lost kitties!
Finally, I got to bring music and joy to many first and second graders at the Hajjar elementary school in sing-a-longs three times last year-
and to the elderly at the Life Care Center in Billerica and more.
2011 was Full of Community!
I managed to play the “Coffee Song” and get interviewed on Fox News when they did their Zip Trip to Billerica! That was a gas indeed! I got to play twice for the Billerica Farmer’s Market and also for the Billerica Yankee Doodle celebration! I played for schools and elderly and more!
In Addition to being on TV, Songs from Grace With Jazz On Top played on 1000’s of international radio stations through TSproductions promotion! Me and my original band played at All Asia and various other area venues, too!

Ralph, Julie, Ogechi, Jessica, Johnny (with Kenny and Brian in the back) at All Asia in Cambridge, MA
It was a great year for writing music! Some of my newest songs include: “Waiting on You”, “Fire in my Heart”, I Trust in You”, “Time to Call Mom”, “I’m a Mess”, “Love Life Like I Should”, “I’ve Got it All” , “Galaxy Ride” & “EPIC” to name a few!
It was a year for travel– For gigs and pleasure I went alone or with family to Chicago, IL, Ithaca, NY, Sweden and Portland, Maine, Bowens Mill, GA, Providence, RI and all over NH.
2011 was a great year with my students! I directed 3 student recitals of my home studio guitar and voice students at the Billerica Bennett Library in spring, summer and at Christmas time. I also led students performing at the Calvary chapel for two BLT Music School recitals this year. Two favorite group songs that I did with several groups of kids this year were “Do Re Mi” from Sound of Music and “The Little Drummer Boy”! What fun! I have the most students I have ever had! Thank you to all of them and their parents!

I also directed several choirs of children singing for special church events. It is so exciting to see students grow and learn to love music and performing like I do. I am so blessed!
2011 was a year of progress! We built a new recording studio out of what used to be a garage! We fashioned a live rehearsal, recording and teaching space for me; we rebuilt our shed into an office and two new rooms for our children (after they had to be taken apart after major ice dam leak damage!)- and finally we overhauled the upstairs bathroom! Feels like a new house! (Only it isn’t quite finished- have to do all those finishing touches- like hang the tv’s the towel racks etc and de-clutter!) I will be so excited to get my house in order and have a BIG party!
2011 was an incredible year with friends and our church family! We spent many birthdays including Thanksgiving with our good friends the Wicks, the Proventures, the Cadets and the Roscoes and others! Then we joined a new family group at church and made more best friends with whom we share our hearts and common bond in Christ like the Sogades, the Drakes and the Banks!
We had our annual Superbowl party, too- and Ruth and Dick were there as always (with Deviled eggs! And I even got to spend one awesome evening with Oberlin best friend and matron of honor Sharon Dolph when she came to town for a conference!!
Finally, 2011 was a great year for family! My twins turned 7 and entered 2nd grade at the HAjjar elementary school! Hannah won the Billerica Town Talent Show and became a local star with her rendition of “These Boots Are made For Walkin!” Caleb became a drummer and performed the Beatle’s “Drive my Car” on the drum kit and was the little drummer boy on 4 performances at Christmas time! We had fun vacations at our beloved cabin in Maine, camping and climbing mountains- See the first picture above from the summit of Mount Monadnock! We enjoyed great hikes and hang time with cousins Jenny and Greg and Soleil-
even got lost on Big and Little Deer Hill- that was an adventure!!!
We enjoyed time with Oma (Ralph’s Mom) in Chicago, Georgia and Billerica; with,Keith & Ingrid and Renata in Georgia (Ralph’s sisters); With Grandma Polly and Grandpa Charlie in Ithaca and with Grandpa Paul and Grandma Diane in New Hampshire and Billerica- and topped it off with seeing both my brothers Chris and Gary (who played bass and drums on the Grace With Jazz on Top CD) with their families at Christmas at Mom’s!
And we watched through all the Dr. who episodes form the 1st through the 4th Doctor! We even had a Dr. who birthday party!
Thank you Lord for an amazing 2011- now for the sequel-
Here we come 2012!!!
To God be the glory!